Suppression to Expression

Earlier this year, I was truly emotionally vulnerable with my Dad for the first time. I was ugly crying on his shoulder and, surprisingly, he validated and empathised with my pain. This moment symbolised significant healing and growth for both of us, a stark contrast to the emotional landscape of my childhood. 


As a little one, there was no space for my emotions. My Mum, burdened by her own pain, often confided in me as if I were her peer, while my Dad epitomised the emotionally detached provider. Their marital conflict cast a shadow of tension over our home that my highly sensitive self felt responsible for.


I felt a deep sense of protectiveness and sympathy for my beloved immigrant parents. I didn’t want to make their struggles any worse, so I hid my emotions.


When my emotions became too much, I remember crying as quietly as I could at the foot of my bed after everyone had gone to sleep, or escaping into the comforting pages of fantasy books. I read Harry Potter eleven times over. 


Suppressing your emotional needs takes a toll on your body. It often leads to chronic stress which can manifest in various health issues:


  • Digestive issues (the gut is called the “second brain” because of how closely it’s linked to emotions and stress)

  • Menstrual irregularities and fertility challenges

  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Chronic pain conditions

  • Persistent muscular tension, especially in the neck, shoulders, and back

  • Headaches, anxiety, depression

  • Weakened immune function

  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms, including substance use


In adulthood, I developed chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple skin issues, polycystic ovarian syndrome, weakened immune function, and a reliance on smoking marijuana so I could relax enough to fall asleep. The turning point came with my journey towards sexual empowerment.


In my first sexual empowerment course, I learned how to be aware of my own body. I had been physically aware of my body my whole life as a dedicated sportswoman and dancer, but I had no awareness of its subtle sensations and emotions. I realised how much stress and tension I was carrying in my body and pussy. I learned that this was why sex was often painful for me and why my pleasure and desire were so low. 


Did you know I used to think I wasn’t a very sexual person?


Did you know that being connected to your emotions is a crucial aspect of sexual desire and satisfaction? 


Being aware of your emotions is inherently vulnerable. It’s common to feel safer navigating the emotional worlds of others than exposing yourself. Opening up about my emotions initially felt fucking terrifying. I feared my feelings would be dismissed and often wanted to stuff the words back into my mouth. Yet, every step forward grew my confidence and trust in the process, revealing a life-changing self-awareness and understanding of my identity, desires, and needs.


The first sexual empowerment course I signed up for was where I first experienced being seen and held in my vulnerability. The experience of sisterhood that I had in the space was so profound and remains a huge source of inspiration for my work. It’s one of the many muses of my own sensual and sexual empowerment course Unravel Me.


This journey of opening up has enriched my relationships and significantly improved my health. My immune system is now so strong I only get sick every other year, my period pain is 20% of what it used to be, I no longer have CFS or PCOS, and my skin has greatly improved. My sexuality has also totally transformed. I am so grateful to have realised how erotic and alive I was all along!


Now, as I reflect on these milestones, I'm reminded of the power of patience, bravery, and trusting your intuition in the journey. 


Wow. I must say, I am v v v v v proud of myself.


Are you ready to reconnect with your body, pleasure and power?


Unravel Me, is a gorgeous supportive space that will gently and effectively guide you every step of the way, in a transformative and empowering twelve-week journey.


This course is my favourite child. Don’t tell the others. Hehe.


It is made from the most magical pieces of my work, collected through countless hours of personal and professional growth. As a humble Kiwi, I find it hard to brag, but this course is truly something special.


Hundreds of women and non-binary have been on this journey with me and sing its praises.

We begin 13 April.

Enrollments are closing soon with limited spaces remaining!

What does your intuition say?



If you’d like to talk about whether this course is right for you, email me at to let me know. I’d love to connect and understand what you’re interested in having my support with.

With love,
