Do I trigger you?

Do I trigger you?

Yet you find yourself still following me? reading my posts? perhaps even attending my workshops?

I judged my first sexuality mentor SO MUCH. I thought she was fake, annoying, & attention-seeking.

Then I started working with her.

I was insanely jealous of my third sexuality mentor. Their posts made me feel like a failure. I couldn’t even bring myself to officially “follow” them, so I just voyeured on their page on a weekly basis for months.

Then I started working with them.

Recently, I asked a group of my long time clients -
“Who hated/ judged/ was triggered by me before hiring me?”

Here are a few of their responses, that we agreed would be powerful to share.


Witnessing these shares felt incredibly special to me.

Because I really understand & feel so honoured that they feel safe enough in our therapeutic relationship to share this with me.

But even more beautifully, because of what the shift in their perception of me, represents for THEM.

I’m sure for some of you…

  • my shamelessness activates your shame

  • my pleasure & radical self-expression reveals to you where you are disconnected from your own

I get it.
I’ve felt it.
I will feel it again.

Although it’s not my intention to trigger anyone, it is my honour to be a loving mirror for my people.

Not just those of you who are so enthusiastically here for it.
But also those of you who judge me, who hate me, who are jealous of me, but can’t look away.

Because it’s not me you can’t look away from.

It’s you

The lost, judged, shamed, ignored parts of yourself that you yearn to come home to.

If this is resonating, I hope the words of my clients might inspire you to walk through the tunnel of your discomfort to get to the light, love & liberation on the other side.

Whether that’s on a solo journey, with my support + guidance, or working with another professional.

It’s so worth it.

Thanks for being here with me. Triggers & all.

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