5 potent pleasure practices

Pleasure can have everything to do with sex

& nothing at all to do with sex. 

It can be therapeutic, blissful, sensual, soothing, erotic, and/or sexual. 

In order to experience something as pleasurable we generally need to do 3 things:

  1. Slow down

  2. Set an intention of pleasure

  3. Connect with 1 or more of our senses

I want to support you to understand & experience this for yourself by giving you five pleasure prompts that span the pleasure continuum!

I invite & encourage you to choose 1 or more to play with this week…


 With gentle to medium pressure, massage circles along your jaw, cheeks & chin. Relax your throat & tongue, & explore weird + wonderful noises that aid relaxation & release for one or more minutes.


Spontaneously stop somewhere for 2 minutes on a commute today & take in the view. What can you see that sparks pleasureful bliss?  


Make love to your next meal. Minimise or eliminate distractions, & focus as fully as you can on the smells, textures, tastes, sounds & sights of your food. Mmmm yummmmmmm. 


Invite flow into your body & activate aliveness (sexual/lifeforce/creative energy) by circling or thrusting your hips, for two minutes. Breathe in & out of your pelvic bowl. Let it be imperfect & playful.


Grab yourself some coconut or jojoba oil & slowly massage your genitals for 5 minutes to experience your sexual power + pleasure, letting go of the goal of orgasm entirely. 

Pleasure is simple to understand in concept, but harder to live into. 

So if you encounter resistance, distraction, or disconnection around your pleasure - that’s normal. 

I’m here to support you to expand your experience of pleasure, 1 or 2 degrees at a time!

If there’s anything else you’d like to share with me, having read this, I’d be honoured to witness you. Just comment below or contact me!

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