Why your emotional liberation is essential to your sexual liberation

I’ve been reminded a lot lately about how our emotional liberation is essential to our sexual liberation.

If you block yourself from feeling your emotions, it’s likely you struggle to inhabit your body during sex.

This might show up as troubles staying hard, numbness, getting drowned out by the thoughts in your head, feeling blocked from experiencing orgasms, having no control over ejaculation, or having really heady sexual experiences.

This is because pleasure is a body sensation.
Emotions are also body sensations.

So, when you’re blocked from feeling, you also blocked from feeling pleasure.

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We can’t peel away all the layers that are stopping you from feeling safe to feel your emotions in one email. Gentling guiding people into their bodies & emotional empowerment is one of the best parts of my job.

For now, I wanted to share one of my favourite, literally poo-related, analogies that provide for one aspect of having a healthy relationship to emotions. Courtesy of the amazing Emily Nagoski.

When our bodies give us the signal that it’s time to release our bowels, we’ve learnt how to find an appropriate time & space to do so. We don’t explode all over the office (or all over other humans). We excuse ourselves & make our way to the appropriate context of the bathroom to release. Having created a clean slate, we feel relieved.

(Haha! As I write this, I’m in stitches that I’m actually sending this poo story to hundreds of people).

When our bodies give us the signal that we need to feel & release our emotions, it's healthy to find an appropriate time & space to do so.

For me, that’s through emotional alchemy sexuality practice, breathwork, sweaty cathartic movement, expressive dance, on the pages of my journal, in sessions with my mentors, or having space held by loved ones. Sometimes it’s through lying, undistracted on the floor of my room & just giving myself permission to rage or sob.

Feeling is healing.
Reclaiming a healthy relationship to your dark emotions will give way to your ecstasy, joy & pleasure.

Where in your home might be an appropriate space for you to feel?
How many tools might you already have in your kit?

What might be something you could experiment with, that takes you a step closer to your emotional liberation?

It’s very normal to feel uncomfortable even reading this email. We’re heavily conditioned to fear our dark emotions, as well as our highest vibration emotions. Or perhaps you’ve been repressing your emotions for so long, you now identify as a not-very-emotional person.

With fierce love & so much pleasure,
Michelle x

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