Be responsible for your own pleasure.

Pu$$y-havers often grow up learning that our partners s3xual pleasure is *our* responsibility.


Which can be a big time cock block for our ability to receive, choose & take pleasure for ourselves.


There comes a time in every s3xually liberated pu$$y owner’s life where she/they/he have to declare…




I’m not talking about ignoring the sacred bounds of consent.


I’m talking about a mindset & energy shift, that will have you realising that there is no one in the worlds pleasure needs & wants that are more or less important than your own.


Here’s how you can bring this energy into the bedroom:


  • How can you deliberately play with your lovers body for your own enjoyment & pleasure?


  • Can you play a game of trying to out-do your partner’s arousal level?


  • How might it feel to guide their hands to the right places, or use their body to stroke yourself in a way that feels glorious?


  • Would it feel good to stimulate yourself for pleasure no matter the position you are in?


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